Professorinnen und Professoren im Studienbereich Geo
Prof. Dr. Melanie Brandmeier
Fakultät Kunststofftechnik und Vermessung
97070 Würzburg
Nach Vereinbarung
Forschungsprofessorin für Umweltfernerkundung

Betreute Abschlussarbeiten
Mögliche Themen:
Bitte beachten Sie, dass bei mir eine Version der Arbeit als gedruckte Version abgegeben werden muss.
Im Bereich der Umweltfernerkundung sind Themen zu Weinbau, Forst und Klimatologie möglich (hier insbesondere Daten der Sentinel 5 Mission zu Spurengasen).
Zudem interessieren mich momentan Anwendungen von Foundation AI in Bezug auf räumliche Fragestellungen.
Marco Lutz (M.Eng.): Projekt AIVY
Jan Vahrenhold (M. Eng.): Projekt AIVY
Maximilian Hell (M.Eng.): Kl an Radardaten (Zeitreihen) und Spektraldaten des Copernicus Programms zur Landnutzungsklassifikation
Abgeschlossene Arbeiten:
Raphael Lochschmidt (B. Eng): Comparative Analysis of Large Language Models
Mistral 7B and RWKV - Concerning the Specific Mail Classification Task of Network Operator Responses on the Request of Line Information for Construction Projects
Laura Fehlhaber (BSc.): Al-based Classification of High-Resolution UAV Data for Monitoring Permafrost Dynamics in the Mackenzie Delta Region
Sönke Speckenwirth (BSc.): Instance Segmentation at Single Tree Level Using Multispectral UAV Images
Julia Anwander (BSc.): Evaluating different Deep Learning and Machine Learning approaches for tree health classification in the Black Forest, Harz region and Göttinger Forest
Madeleine Speck (B.Eng.): Habitat characteristics and the decline of Erebia epistygne population - a Remote Sensing and GIS study.
Anja Kraus (B.Eng.): Impact of Climate Change on Soil Moisturein viticulture: A time series analysis
Adrian Meyer-Spelbrink (B.Eng.): Monitoring Vineyard Plant Health through Time-Series Analysis of Vegetation Indices and In-Situ Soil Moisture Measurements
Julia Anwander (B.Eng.): Evaluating different Deep Learning and Machine Learning approaches for tree health classification in the Black Forest, Harz region and Göttinger Forest
Levin Krämer (B.Eng.): Analyse der visuellen Auswirkungen des Ausbaus von Windenergieanlagen in der Planungsregion Mittelhessen im Rahmen des Wind-an-Land-Gesetzes anhand von Sichtbarkeitsanalysen, Landnutzungsklassen und Schutzgebieten
Maximilian Hell (B.Eng.): Tree Species Classification using Deep Neural Networks on Lidar Point Clouds. (cooperation with Prof. Dr. Peter Krzystek)
Wolfgang Deigele (BSc): Wind throw detection using deep learning on PlanetScope and high-resolution aerial images (cooperation with TUM. Prof. T. Kolbe)
Daniel Scharvogel (BSc): Detection of windthrows from Sentinel-2 data based on Deep Learning Algorithms (cooperation with University of Applied Sciences Weihnstephan-Triesdorf)
Eya Cherif (BSc): Synergetic use of Sentinel-2 and multi-temporal Sentinel-1 data for Land cover classification using advanced Deep Learning algorithms (cooperation with University of Passau, Prof. H. Kosch)
Yuanze Chen (BSc): Lithological Classification based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) using multi-sensor data (coopertion with TUM, Prof. T. Huckle)
Nikolaos-Ioannis Bountos (BSc): Subpixel Classification of anthropogenic features using Deep-Learning on Sentinel-2 data (coopertion with TUM, Prof. T. Huckle)
Arthur Freddy Tchuente Tagne (BSc): Evaluation of boosting algorithms for exploration targeting using ArcGIS in the Mount Isa Inlier, Australia (cooperation with TU Clausthal, Prof. W. Busch)
Zayd Mahmoud Hamdi (BSc): Forest Damage Assessment Using Deep Lerning on high-resolution Remote Sensing Data (cooperation with TUM, Prof. D. Straub)
Mathias Wessel (BSc): The potential of Sentinel-2 data to classify tree species (cooperation with the University of Salzburg, Dirk Tiede)
Irving Gibran Cabrera Zamora (BSc): The use of Boosting Methods for Mineral Prospectivity Mapping within the ArcGIS Platform (cooperation with TUM, Prof. T. Huckle)
Bachelor Thesis:
Marco Lutz: Die Austrocknung des Aralsees und ihre Flogen. Zeitreihenanalyse anhand Landsat Collection 2 Daten in der Google Earth Engine.
Emilie Lüdicke: Evaluierung vortrainierter KI-Algorithmen zur automatischen Erkennung von Siedlungen in historischen Topographischen Karten.
Louisa Rall: Multitemporal Vocano Monitoring at Cumbre Vieja Volcano using Sentinel-2 data.
Nicola Schöpplein: Evaluating different methods for flood mapping using Sentinel-1 data from Sri Lanka
- System Erde/Geowissenschaften
- Maschinelles Lernen/Computer Vision
- Fernerkundung/ GIS
Speckenwirth, S.; Brandmeier, M.; Paczkowski, S. TreeSeg—A Toolbox for Fully Automated Tree Crown Segmentation Based on High-Resolution Multispectral UAV Data. Remote Sens. 2024, 16, 3660.
Hell, M.; Brandmeier, M. Identifying Plausible Labels from Noisy Training Data for a Land Use and Land Cover Classification Application in Amazônia Legal. Remote Sens. 2024, 16, 2080.
Brandmeier, M.; Heßdörfer, D.; Siebenlist, P.; Meyer-Spelbrink, A.; Kraus, A. Time Series Analysis of Multisensor Data for Precision Viticulture—Assessing Microscale Variations in Plant Development with Respect to Irrigation and Topography. Remote Sens. 2024, 16, 1419.
Anwander, J.; Brandmeier, M.; Paczkowski, S.; Neubert, T.; Paczkowska, M. Evaluating Different Deep Learning Approaches for Tree Health Classification Using High-Resolution Multispectral UAV Data in the Black Forest, Harz Region, and Göttinger Forest. Remote Sens. 2024, 16, 561.
Hell, M., Brandmeier, M., Nüchter, A.: Transferability of Deep Learning Models for Land Use/Land Cover Classification. Publikationen der DGPF, Band 31, 2023.
I. Hahn, M. R. S. von der Wense Goncalves P. and M. Brandmeier, and G. Markl, “Habitat use of zygaena brizae and zygaena cynarae (lepidoptera, zygaenidae) in southern france.,” Nachr. entomol. Ver. Apollo, N.F. 44 (2), 65–80., 2023.
Erbe, K., Brandmeier, M., Schmitt, M., Donaubauer, A., Liebscher, J.A., Kolbe, T.: Detektion von Fahrradständern in Luftbildern mittels Deep Learning, Publikationen der DGPF, Band 30, 2022
Cherif, E.; Hell, M.; Brandmeier, M. DeepForest: Novel Deep Learning Models for Land Use and Land Cover Classification Using Multi-Temporal and -Modal Sentinel Data of the Amazon Basin. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 5000.
Hell, Maximilian, Brandmeier, M., Briechle, S., Krzystek, P.: Classification of Tree Species and Standing Dead Trees with Lidar Point Clouds Using Two Deep Neural Networks: PointCNN and 3DmFV-Net. Journal of Photogrammetry Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science. DOI: 10.1007/s41064-022-00200-4
Scharvogel, D., Brandmeier, M., Weis, M. (2020): A Deep Learning Approach for Calamity Assessment Using Sentinel-2 Data. Forests 11(12).
Deigele, W.; Brandmeier, M.; Straub, C. (2020): A Hierarchical Deep-Learning Approach for Rapid Windthrow Detection on PlanetScope and High-Resolution Aerial Image Data. Remote Sensing 12(2121).
Brandmeier, M., Chen, Y. (2019): Lithological classification using multi-sensor data and convolutional neural networks. ISPRS Archives. Volume: XLII-2-W16-55-2019.
Hamdi, Z., Brandmeier, M., Straub, C. (2019): Forest Damage Assessment Using Deep Learning on High Resolution Remote Sensing Data. Remote Sensing 11(17).
Brandmeier, M. (2019): The Anatomy of Supervolcanoes. In: GIS for Science: Applying Mapping and Spatial Analytics. Esri Press.
Brandmeier, M., Cabrera, I., Nykänen, V., Middleton, M. (2019): The potential of boosting for prospectivity modelling: Introducing a new GIS toolbox. Natural Resources Research.
Wessel, M; Brandmeier, M.; Tiede, D. (2018) Evaluation of Different Machine Learning Algorithms for Scalable Classification of Tree Types and Tree Species Based on Sentinel-2 Data. Remote Sensing 10(9).
Brandmeier, M., Wessel, M. (2017) Workflows für Bilddaten und Big Data Analytics - Das Potenzial von Sentinel-2-Daten zur Baumartenklassifizierung. In: Meinel, Gotthard; Schumacher, Ulrich; Schwarz, Steffen; Richter, Benjamin (Hrsg.): Flächennutzungsmonitoring IX: Nachhaltigkeit der Siedlungs- und Verkehrsentwicklung?. Berlin : Rhombos-Verlag, 2017, (IÖR-Schriften; 73), S. 135-142
Brandmeier, M. and Wörner, G. (2016): Compositional variations of ignimbrite magmas in the Central Andes over the past 26 Ma — A multivariate statistical perspective. Lithos 262, 713-728.
Zimmermann, R., Brandmeier, M., Andreani, L., Mhopjeni, K. and Gloaguen, R. (2016) Remote Sensing Exploration of Nb-Ta-LREE-Enriched Carbonatite (Epembe/Namibia). Remote Sensing 8, 620.
Freymuth, H., Brandmeier, M., Wörner, G. (2015): The origin and crust/mantle mass balance of Central Andean ignimbrite magmatism constrained by oxygen and strontium isotopes and erupted volumes: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 169, p. 1-24.
Székely, B., Koma, Z., Karátson, D., Dorninger, P., Wörner, G., Brandmeier, M., Nothegger, C. (2014): Automated recognition of quasi‐planar ignimbrite sheets as paleosurfaces via robust segmentation of digital elevation models: an example from the Central Andes. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.
Brandmeier, M., Erasmi, S., Hansen, C., Höweling, A., Nitzsche, K., Ohlendorf, T., Mamani, M. and Wörner, G. (2013): Mapping patterns of mineral alteration in volcanic terrains using ASTER data and field spectrometry in Southern Peru. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 48, 296-314.
Brandmeier, M., Kuhlemann, J., Krumrei, I., Kappler, A., and Kubik, P.W. (2011): New challenges for tafoni research. A new approach to understand processes and weathering rates: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, v. 36, p. 839-852.
Brandmeier, M. (2010): Remote sensing of Carhuarazo volcanic complex using ASTER imagery in Southern Peru to detect alteration zones and volcanic structures – a combined approach of image processing in ENVI and ArcGIS/ArcScene: Geocarto International, v. 25, p. 629-648
2021 Professorin für Geoinformatik und Fernerkundung
2017 Associate Researcher GFZ Potsdam
2016-2021 Senior Scientist Esri Deutschland
2014-2016 Postdoc Helmholtz Institut Dresden-Rossendorf
2014 Promotion (Dr.rer.nat.), Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Titel der Dissertation: "A remote sensing and geospatial statstical approach to understanding distribution and evolution of ignimbrites in the Central Andes with a focus on Southern Peru"
2010 Auslandsaufenthalt Australien (University of Wollongong, CSIRO)
2008 Diplom Geographie, Geologie und Geochemie, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen
Titel der Diplomarbeit: "Raten und Prozesse der Tafoniverwitterung auf Korsika"
2004/2005 Auslandssemester Universidad Nacional San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentinien
2004 Vordiplom Geographie, Lateinamerikanistik und Umweltpsychologie, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
2002 Staatlich geprüfter Management Assistant (Tourismus), Freiburg
Weitere Informationen
European Geoscience Union (EGU)
International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung und Geoinformatik (DGPF)
Member of the Editorial Board Zeitschrift für Geodäsie, Geoinformatik und Landmanagement